Researchers: Jane Macleod, Sue Amundrud and Anna Wehrkamp.

Superannuated Teachers of Saskatchewan 50th Anniversary Special Directed Call.

The purpose of this study is to explore significant factors or influences on teachers as they transition or adapt from their identity as a teacher, staff member, colleague, school leader etc. to a new and different phase of life. This study assumes that a teacher’s successful transition to retirement is a dynamic process influenced by the interplay of the individual’s identity and his/her/their retirement context. Using a qualitative case study research approach, the study hopes to uncover salient factors that facilitate or interfere with a teacher’s successful transition to a meaningful retirement.

Saskatchewan teachers deserve a rewarding retirement and results of this study will help to inform their retirement and life planning decision making. Findings from this study will contribute to pre, current and post retirement teachers’ awareness of the impact and interplay of personal, social, and environmental factors on their identity during their retirement transition enabling them to approach this significant phase of their life with a greater understanding and sense of purpose and meaning.