Superhumans: How Teachers
Use Graphic Novels
Researcher: Scott Allen
August 2015
Current expectations in the Saskatchewan English language arts curriculum acknowledge
that the language arts are not simply about reading and writing, but involve a good balance
of listening, speaking, viewing and representing as well. Furthermore, the curriculum
acknowledges the importance of any and all types of text (film, radio, oral storytelling,
presentations, graphs, plays, graphic novels, etc.). Each text offers a way of understanding
the world differently. Each text also requires that students master a unique set of skills in
order to help them make meaning from the text.
In this study I have recognized the importance of using multiliteracies and multimodalities
within the classroom via graphic novels. In my reading I have found that graphic novels
open the door to multimodal literacy, where students are given access to a broad range of
individual and overlapping modes each connected to a specific literacy style. The overall
goal of my research is to further encourage pedagogical practices involving graphic novels
to encourage student engagement in learning.
Therefore, this research looked to answer the question:
- What are the pedagogical understandings of teachers using graphic novels to encourage student engagement in learning?