Join the McDowell Foundation’s virtual Salon Series COVID Lessons from School II: Teacher Voice on Distance Learning in the Pandemic on June 7, 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. to hear what lessons have been learned upon returning to school online during COVID-19.

Hear from McDowell’s directed call teacher researcher Kelsey Shields as she shares her findings from her research focusing on the experience of teachers offering distance learning during the pandemic. Kelsey will be joined by Dr. Jay Wilson, College of Education, University of Saskatchewan; Jay Salikin, Senior Manager Visual Programs and Services, Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation; and Lisa Hodson, Senior Administrative Staff, Saskatchewan Teachers’ Federation. The panel will share their experience over the past 18 months as they have addressed COVID from their own spaces.

The event will be hosted and facilitated by the McDowell Foundation.

To register for this upcoming Salon Series, please email

Categories: Salon Series